Nero Toolkit: Nasal Breathing For Optimal Performance
There is a direct relationship between how we feel and how we breath. Our mind pushes us to breath either by mouth or nose to accomodate our set and setting. Mouth breathing is naturally reserved for high stress situations (heavy exercise, running from a bear) to rapidly consume Oxygen and escape the stress.
This is effective in a real stress setting but quite taxing on our bodies. Our fast paced world is sending our brain stress signals all day every day and we must make a conscious effort to revert back to nasal breathing when there isn't a real threat at hand. There are many benefits to nasal breathing that make it the optimal method across our day. In this article, we will explore the benefits of nasal breathing over mouth breathing.
Filters and warms the air: When we breathe through our nose, the air is filtered and warmed before it enters our lungs. Our nasal passages are lined with tiny hairs called cilia, which help to filter out allergens, pollutants, and other particles. The air is also warmed by the mucous membranes, which helps to prevent irritation and dryness in the lungs.
Promotes relaxation: Nasal breathing has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. This is because when we breathe through our nose, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to lower our heart rate and blood pressure.
Improves lung function: Nasal breathing can improve lung function and increase the amount of oxygen delivered to the body. This is because the nasal passages are narrower than the mouth, which creates a slower, more controlled flow of air. This allows for greater oxygen absorption in the lungs.
Enhances athletic performance: Nasal breathing has been shown to enhance athletic performance by increasing endurance and reducing fatigue. This is because nasal breathing helps to regulate breathing and prevent hyperventilation, which can lead to decreased performance.
Reduces snoring and sleep apnea: Nasal breathing can help to reduce snoring and sleep apnea. This is because when we breathe through our mouth while sleeping, our airways can become blocked, leading to disruptions in breathing. Nasal breathing helps to keep the airways open and prevent these disruptions.
In conclusion, nasal breathing offers a myriad of benefits over mouth breathing. It filters and warms the air, promotes relaxation, improves lung function, enhances athletic performance, and reduces snoring and sleep apnea. By incorporating nasal breathing into your daily routine, you can improve your overall health and well-being. If you experience difficulty breathing through your nose, speak with your healthcare provider to address any underlying issues.